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Mar 22, 2024
is back on spotify and all i’ve been listening to! perfect spring soundtrack
Mar 29, 2024
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She really IS back on Spotify, and the full catalog is finally there. She created interesting music throughout her career but this early, "Court and Spark"-era gem is her greatest song IMO (the one that Prince interpolated on The Ballad of Dorothy Parker, low-key one of his best - he was a huge fan). When I can focus enough to conjure my parents back to life, when they were together and living in the same house, this is the song that was playing in the background of their goofy fern-decorated, swimming pool festooned LBC ranch house. The 70s were weird but Joni remains undefeated.
Mar 22, 2024

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both iCal— and I’m a big fan of multiple shared calendars. I have one with my sister, my mom, my partner, my bestie and one for myself. really helpful organizing plans with people and keeping track of far out dates like vacations and concert tickets. paper planner- for weekly and daily todo lists. finding where i can fit in x3 things to do daily based on what time allows for that day. and of course adding stickers and doodles with pretty markers. I use one from Shorthand.
Feb 26, 2024
is it okay that I’ve surrounded myself with so much STUFF? is accumulation always greed? where is the line between excess and simply nesting/ living in a home? is it just a luxury to have the space to store things for repurposing and reusing (ie jars, scraps for art, hobbies of the past — and hopefully the future— once adulthood/capitalism settles down)? or is this actually good for something?
Feb 24, 2024