Not even that crazy of a movie but I’m gonna contradict that by saying it may have changed my life. I truly don’t know why but i left this movie a different person. don’t really give a shit about Ben stillers character and I don’t think the movie really does either. maybe it’s when Winona gets in the fight and says “play a show a night, play 3 shows a night” idk. I wasn’t there for the 90s but this feels like a time capsule like Troy is the years 1991-1997 in human form. It’s been 24 hours since I saw this but it feels like it has clicked something in my brain. maybe it’s when Winona says “i was really gonna be something by the age of 23” and then my theater laughed. one of those movies I want to live in (Houston in 1994). Had to get this off my chest this movie despite having a standard enough plot has been rattling through my brain, truly a character movie wish they spent more time with zahn and garofolo’s characters but idgaf
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Mar 24, 2024

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