Such a great way to share work and collaborate with people you wouldn't typically encounter. They can be whatever format you want, and I love that. I'm not in NYC, but if you decide to cast a wider net, I'm in. I've been mostly sharing via a newsletter lately, but I linked to a self-published magazine I made a while back.
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Mar 25, 2024

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whoaa your photos are so sick! the newsletter is a wonderful and underappreciated form of media sharing as well <3 luckily this project is mostly remote as to ensure flexibility for everyone's schedule! i also totally love the freedom of this medium as well :D our first theme is most likely going to be analog distortion (for the slr photographers: "film soup", collage, drawing/writing on the image, and any other physical changes to the image itself) versus digital distortion (for the dslr photographers: photoshopping, graphic design, image corruption, "smart tools" like content aware fill, and any other digital changes to the image as it's on the screen) if you're interested! feel free to let your friends know regardless of their location! everyone is welcome to the project <3
Mar 25, 2024

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I adore music zines. Always loved them. I don’t mean full-on glossy magazines, though I love those, too. I mean the handmade, typewritten, toner-smeared kind made out of printer paper and staples and a burning desire to participate in a tradition of creative writing, interviewing, art-making, and whatever other form of creativity one feels like stuffing into its pages. At the moment, I’m obsessed with a few: Hallogallo, which is run out of Chicago by Kai Slater (of the bands Lifeguard and Sharp Pins) and just published its 10th issue featuring an interview with Stereolab’s Laetitia Sadier; Love Injection, a long-running club culture zine by NYC’s Barbie Bertisch and Paul Raffaele; and Shadow Wolf, the handiwork of Holland-based electronic artist Legowelt.
Mar 19, 2024
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I’ve always wanted to create something like a magazine—just without the pressure of making it an official publication. A friend suggested I try making zines since they’re DIY, community-driven, and give you the freedom to create whatever you want without limitations. That’s how Cyber Nostalgia was born —a quarterly zine featuring interviews with some of my favorite online creatives, playlist recommendations, and articles about the media that shaped my childhood. Oh, and maybeeee we throw in some stickers too. 💫The zine in the picture has a link to the digital version, but if you’d like a physical copy, you can contact us through our Instagram (@cybernostalgiastudios) 💫
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I was on the zine team for my college's local student-run magazine last year and it was so much fun! We each got assigned to make a mini-zine that captured the behind-the-scenes process for the magazine photoshoots. My zine was centered on the "Bite The Hand" shoot. The props team 3-D printed a hand to put in a punch bowl & the styling team decorated the models' hair with candy. We had a launch party for the mini-zines & everyone's turned out so good! I've linked the final issue of the larger Strike Magazine in the post here. :)
Jan 17, 2025

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