goes so incredibly hard. i‘m not finished with it yet, but it’s written in a very accessible way and every argument is logically laid out. i really enjoy reading stuff about mental health and anticapitalist critique so this is perfect. tbh reading about how mental illness is constructed as a concept was a really important part of my recovery. it’s always easier to think oh im this way because of the chemicals in my brain or because xyz event happened to me, but it was so affirming to me to read about how the way neoliberalism and capitalism in general makes us miserable lol (and what we can so about it!). and sure these things might seem a bit too radical at first but it’s actually all true imho
Mar 25, 2024

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I really enjoy Byung Chul-Han have rec’d it somewhere on here before - I would start with The Burnout Society or Psychopolitics. He writes a lot about labor and mental health and data. some of the big ideas he’s proposed - data and neoliberal economics/governments have transformed and expanded the effects and our understanding of capital and labor - the fast paced, tech driven society we live in creates a landscape of psychiatric disorders. they aren’t caused by a deficit in our bodies and minds but an excess of positivity. the demand to succeed and fight failure and work efficiently might be burning us out or making us sick - we are becoming self exploiters and class struggle is beginning to include the struggle against oneself to achieve and reinvent oneself
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I honestly hadn’t heard about this book until I saw a shit ton of memes about it a few years ago. Capitalist Realism is a very worthwhile read and I can definitely see why it's so popular now. Fisher does a great job articulating the cultural experience of neoliberalism. This book set me on the right path in life. I also got much smarter and more attractive after reading it.
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wear your shoes till the soles come off. you don’t need a new shirt. STOP mindlessly consuming things!!! enough!!! go sit outside for 10 minutes and think about if you are actually lacking anything material in your life (you’re probably not). if you do need new things have a thing-exchange with your friends it’s so fun! stop falling victim to overconsumption
Feb 2, 2024
LITERALLY BANGER 👏AFTER BANGER 👏AFTER BANGER👏 !!!! like even the sadder ones. charcoal baby??? minetta creek!!!! nappy wonder???? s’cooled???? champagne coast🫣 WOW WOW WOW
Mar 15, 2024
really interesting concept for the storyline!!! i’m like 3 eps in but it’s really really good but it’s a bit scawyy🫣
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