this one is a little harder and a little messier, but... sautee potatoes and onions in an obscene amount of olive oil. Whisk a quarter-buttload of eggs in a large bowl. take the potatoes and onions and oil off the heat, pour them into the egg bowl to kind of temper-ish the eggs, bring the pan back up to temp, whisk the eggs a bit more to make sure they're not pre-scrambling, then fry the whole thing like a thick-ass omelet. slice and serve with some kind of aoli. serves multiple people, keeps well. use enough of everything to make it tall and fluffy with layers of potato and onion suspended in the egg. Depends on the size of your pan. you can either flip it (messy, difficult, works with a nonstick pan) or stick it in the oven to brown the top (easy, clean, requires an oven-safe pan).
Mar 26, 2024

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I make fried eggs twice a week... I make a super soft scramble (the lower and slower you go, the richer they taste. There's an inflection point where you go from basic to incredibly rich. If you haven't hit it, your curds are too big.) For every complex thing I've made... The super soft scramble probably tastes better. I can make a pretty solid spanish tortilla. It takes a good hour, it usually makes a mess, and I'm probably not doing it right... the onions and the potatoes practically get confit in olive oil, but it comes out delicious as shit and it's impressive.
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