- neglecting/forgetting pets, usually impossibly small dogs and cats (i don’t have any irl) -work: current job, past jobs, usually stressful situations -speaking different languages (makes sense as i am learning 2) - alcohol, particularly getting too drunk - one person in particular who I still think about frequently - amicable but passionless relationships with boys who I hardly know irl - often the characters in my dreams are my family members
Mar 28, 2024

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It’s the best and the worst. So many dreams that sometimes idk if my memories are real or just past dreams I had. my reoccurring themes are: -car crashes (every dream in which I drive I lose control of the car and crash) -sexual harassment or assault (all by creepy old men) -teleporting (I teleport a lot in my dreams, once I went inside a change room in the mall and ended up in japan) -fights ( I beat the shit out of people in my dreams but I swear I’d never do that irl…👀) -animal attacks ( bears, raccoons, rats, pumas, horses?!?!)
Mar 29, 2024
my dreams are always magical in some way, either there are creatures or i’m in a magical place or i have powers myself. also usually, someone close to me dies or is currently dead in the dream. in the past it’s been my mum, my partner, both of my parents, my best friend or even my cat. i also do my best to write my dreams down so i remember them, so my notes app is full of really strange stories
Jul 17, 2024
that I inherited a house with a previously undiscovered subterranean level with dingy muted-color plush-or-shag-carpeted rooms that looked like they hadn’t been touched since the 1950s-1970s depending on their style and everything was covered with a thick layer of dust.  there would be several large expansive bathrooms that were fresh and clean and I would sometimes find people in them and we would engage in territorial disputes. I haven’t had one of these in a while. Realizing I had missed math class for the entire semester, was failing, and I didn’t even know where it was or what my class schedule was (probably because I’m bad at math, skipped a lot of school, and did in fact fail classes as a consequence of not doing work). Always dreams of large labyrinthian buildings, often schools with a grand entrance hall and a huge performing arts theater, but sometimes nightmarish facsimiles of luxury apartment buildings and their residents which are already disturbing enough in reality.   A shopping mall with a two-story Walgreens that has escalators inside.  There’s a movie theater at the mall where you enter and go up a cramped set of stairs to get to the lobby, and a department store that’s more on the level of a Kohl’s than something upscale. Wild animals (lions, tigers and bears—oh my!) stalking the streets at night and I’m the only one who notices or cares.  Going to a dimly-lit combination zoo/aquarium/museum where all of the interior rooms are black, animals are just roaming free, and I never get to see every exhibit. Pet stores with hundreds of aisles filled with cages of mistreated cats and dogs. Once I dreamt that I found a parrot with all of its feathers plucked bare and a broken beak.  I nursed it back to health and it transformed into a mighty leopard. A dusty old town center somewhere close to Mexico in the old west.  Escaping from mass shooter and murderer situations.  Evil shape shifting entities that I recognize from previous dreams.  Watching a movie and then I’m in the movie or the same with video games.   Oh and also my pets often accompany me on my journeys!
Apr 2, 2024

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