astounding experimental album comprised of field recordings and jangly americana guitar / banjo work. this album uses sounds to convey what it's like to be facing an imminent environmental collapse. some cool words from daniel: "From the heart of Delhi, to Tangier Island. The burning redwood forests, the dying jet stream waters. It is happening to you and to me. We pump carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere by the gigaton as the cascading feedback loops of climate breakdown continue to destabilize the biosphere. Oh, the wind and rain. We have all lived it. Stunned by the unfathomable power of our Earth and a sinking derealization about our tenuous future."
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Mar 28, 2024

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Only one album out rn (The Moviegoer), yes this is my husband’s music project! I play on it too now and more coming soon :))) if you’re in LA (or anywhere) keep an eye out on our insta— we’re playing more and more shows and some shows in NY and hopefully Manchester on the map too!! “Introducing a revisionist exotica for these times…aquatic synths & drum machines, slide guitars & santoors, stray trumpets and accordion...ethno-industrial, dub, and samples from a fifty-year old suitcase of cassettes... The major catalyst was a suitcase of twenty cassettes my father unearthed from his teenage years in Iran, recorded between 1972-1975, taping DJ monologues off the radio, lines of movie dialogue off the TV, radio plays, spoken word translations of European pop... That made it a kind of excavation of a bygone time, a travelogue to a place accessed only through cultural artifact & collective memory. An imaginary soundtrack to a half-remembered movie from a faraway place.”
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Top Recs from @yaboybags

It's late at night. You are feeling pretty tired, but you throw on another episode of whatever you were watching. You think, "I should probably go get into bed in a second." Instead, you stretch out on the couch. You tell yourself, "I'll just finish this episode then I'll get up." As you have this thought, you pull a blanket over you. You laugh at yourself quietly; you know that thought was simply untrue. You feel your eyes start to close. Suddenly, you wake up at 3:30AM blasted in the TV glow. A spark of excitement ignites inside of you. You get up and make the pilgrimage to your room. You crawl under your sheets and realize this is the most comfortable you've ever been. You quickly fall back asleep.
Jan 30, 2024
it's simply the best. you wanna leave? just go! don't say anything to anyone. do you have trouble with friends who love prolonged goodbyes or friends who try to convince you to stay longer? not anymore. you're already halfway home before anyone even realizes you're gone. "you should have said goodbye!" well, maybe i saw my opportunity to vamoose and took it! they should be saying, "you're a visionary, a true go-getter!" anyway, it's the most satisfying move to pull in any social situation and i recommend you do it whenever you can.
Nov 10, 2023