I went on a date this morning and it was sweet and fun and now I feel like I can do it again and it was so nice to meet a new person I’ve never known before. Incredible to know other people do exist. (watch me unrec this when I go on a bad date)

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I used to see first dates as something embarrassing and a bit of a chore but now I look at them as meeting a new person and connecting. Even if it doesn’t go the way I want it to, I’ve at least gotten to know someone, had a laugh and went somewhere fun because of it. I actually enjoy first dates now bc it’s a new connection.
May 6, 2024
so this is what it feels like huh
Aug 28, 2024
being young and single and hot is great because you can meet a bunch of cool people by going on dates! it's never been easier to meet people than it is now, whether or not it's irl or online or whatever it is. it's tons of fun and i've met some of my best friends or just generally great people from going on dates. this might be my strongest recommendation tbh. also it's definitely better if you're queer

Top Recs from @jessejamescatlingg

make big scary decisions, take spontaneous trips, kiss random people, go on silly dates, get drunk in the city, do new things, close a chapter of ur life to start a new one some place new, do the things you never thought u would, shock the rhythm of ur brain and embrace the new version of yourself you become along the way. maybe it’ll all go wrong but maybe it’ll all go so so right n you won‘t know until you try so u might as well do it. perspective gained from a recently shaken life.
it’s hard to give context to this one bc it will look so different for every person but just please have patience with urself
It’s my survival meal, I eat it most nights. I’m just not a girl who enjoys cooking.