I hadn't been to Washington in years. I had foggy memories of Seattle--the way the city is both dark and vibrant, plants overtaking front lawns and vines dripping off freeway overpasses. How forgotten cars on side streets are slowly overcome by moss and seem to decay like wet logs in a forest. I wanted to see it again and do some solo traveling in the Pacific Northwest, so I flew in with a full itinerary and rented a car.   My best friend Lucien and his partner had just bought a house in Seattle and I was the first guest. Before I even landed, they were enlisting me to help hang frames and paintings. As I made my way down Rainier Ave, things started to look familiar, or feel familiar. Like finding yourself back in a reoccurring dream. This feeling got stronger and stronger as I got closer and closer to the little pin on my phone’s map, my friend’s address. I pulled onto their street and parked. And stared.   My mom lived in Seattle when I was in 8th grade, and I would visit her. She lived in this little house, directly across the street from where my friend was still unpacking boxes and getting forwarded mail. Around the corner was the shopping plaza I would run to get Chinese for us, where I would play Street Fighter on the arcade. Down the street was the park where I played soccer. Up the hill was a bank with a gnarled tree that always fascinated me. Places that seemed so vague before but were now so real. 20 years later!
Mar 29, 2024

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