At my local shop , there is this one shopkeeper who works alot during the weekdays . We compliment and smile at eachother every so often whilst he scans my chocolate and energy drinks. I once went into the shop with a 50 euro note. i only bought food worth maybe 8euros , so i had alot of change. walking home that day i lost the money , it must have fell out of my pockets whilst i took my phone or keys out . I only realised when i got home and was running around my local area following my route trying to see if i could find the money . I went to the shop , queued up again and asked him if anyone handed in any money, he said no and offered to help me search , he pulled this massive unit out from under the cashier to see if the money had fallen below . It wasnt there :( . He walked me home to see if we could find it on the street. Anyways we didnt find it , i was so embarrassed but he now has this recurring bit where he gives me my change in a plastic baggy and makes me zip it into my trouser or coat pocket . I do not even know this mans name and i highly doubt he knows mine . Spread kindness with those in your locality , there is nothing better than catching up with your deli woman or favourite shopkeeper .
I love knowing that those who know fairly much nothing about you can care for you , and that you care for them .
Peace and love to all