social media *does* keep us in touch with friends we can't see every day. it's not just wishful thinking, it's actually a cool way to talk to people without having the hours-long phone calls people had back before SMS was common, or only ever talking to the people physically near you, or whatever. the trick is, it's addictive. and it makes us all crave some version of success, whether it's more followers or just the attention of some particular person. it's hard for us to just use it well.
Mar 31, 2024

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phones are tools to connect with yr friends they are not the connection. my fav (and worst) memories of my friends isn’t over text, it’s in person or even over the phone. texts and dms are tools to get to that connection, not where the connection happens. constant access to our friends through social media and texts lulls is into thinking we’re connected, when it really isn’t true, i just know that u posted a photo of yr cat or that yr on vacation or yr state of being. that’s just information, not connection. This is a tuff take and Ive lost friends over it, bc in truth, i wouldn’t meet their needs as parasocial/internet connection makes me so miserable and that can have consequences. it’s tough to loose them but I’m happier with people who understand me and vice versa.
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Lately, I have found much less of a calling to be on social media. I don't know a time where I checked my socials and walked away feeling happier. Do you? I have to be on my phone a fair amount due to work but I catch myself automatically clicking into apps out of boredom and I'm trying to stop that behaviour. I see the good in social media, the ability to stay connected to friends and be in-the-know on everything-- I think the whole point is that you feel left out when you're not on it.. so you're sucked in constantly. But that's not reality. I could disassociate for hours online and look up to the world around me and think, where the hell was I? I don't want to feel like a bystander watching other people's lives for a solid chunk of my day. Engaging more in the real world is a priority for me at this time in my life. 
Feb 7, 2025
in the age of endless access to information, the unknown can quickly become known - though i think we've reached a point where balance is desperately needed. our brains are sensitive and absorbing information constantly whether we like it or not. i recently deleted social media from my phone and now only log on at the computer (love how many recs i've seen on this) - anyways i finally joined the club and see no going back. i don't want to know everything about everyone all the time and on top of that be plagued with intrusive ads (no matter how relevant they may or may not be). being present is crucial, and watching other people's lives on our phones whenever we want can definitely take one out of the present. if i were a true conspiracy theorist, i'd say it almost seems strategically designed to interrupt our normal train of thoughts and give everybody add and make us less thoughtful or make us stray from our true path. i think there's an art to boredom and liminal zones. if you're in a doctor's office waiting room or in a coffee shop waiting for your drink, i think its cool to just be nothing for a moment, limbo is a luxury and giving your consciousness and attention to something every second strips you of that temporary feeling... if we're homies and not seeing each other in person we can text about our lives. instagram stories have begun to creep me out, i don't like how normalized casual stalking has become. i feel like it makes everyone overly analytical and constantly thinking about social dynamics all the time, injecting way too many forms of micro-anxieties for everyone throughout the day - there's value in time spent alone with our thoughts and i feel like the status quo of social media and internet without boundaries at the moment is infringing on some timeless human functions. that said we need to connect and find out about things and discover each other and using platforms like and instagram allow us to do so, we just need to be mindful about how we go about it. i think it's okay to not know everything all the time, mystery creates intrigue and that's stimulating enough for me...
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