i switched out of the english major after 1 year, but i used to be super into reading and writing poetry for most of my teenage years
i am by no means an authority on this, but genuinely, i think it’s just about finding what you personally like. there are so many different styles of poetry and some might connect with you while others don’t. i don’t think that makes any style objectively bad, it‘s just about what triggers an emotional response for you! and that might change at different stages of your life. for example, for a few seasons when i was an incredibly moody and pretentious teenager, i loved charles bukowski. now his stuff does not connect with me at all! and that’s ok! it was still important to me at the time, and i can appreciate that regardless of how i feel now
tldr; i just think poetry is so subjective and it’s just about what makes you feel emotionally invested at any given time :)
… except for the rupi kaur brand of poetry, that’s just bad