Monthly list of concerts that pique my interest
The Magnetic Fields **
4/3 @ *
4/3 Trace Mountains
4/5 Destroyer
4/5 Pons, Skorts, Theophobia
4/6 Glass Beach
4/7 A Country Western **
4/9 Lomelda
4/12 Rosali **
4/12 Friko **
4/15 Mei Semones, John Roseboro **
4/18 Garcia Peoples
4/20 iNDIEPLAZA Record Store Day 2024 **
4/20 Ridgeway, Gollylagging, Walk Me Home, Only Sibling, Bedridden
4/20 Arm's Length, Carly Cosgrove, Ben Quad
4/20 Drop Nineteens, Greg Mendez
4/21 Cactus Lee, Van Vreeland, Bobbie Lovesong
4/23 Mandy, Indiana, Mary Jane Dunphe **
4/24 Black Country, New Road, Horsegirl **
4/26 Knower
4/26 Oneohtrix Point Never *
4/26 Teen Suicide, awakebutstillinbed, Stay Inside, Coolant
4/27 Waxahatchee
* have tickets
** contemplating going