i never really buy myself clothes anymore but death traitors collabed with neon nile to make this t-shirt and i thought it went hard as hell. also felt less bad about spending money on myself because proceeds from it go to the American Near East Refugee Aid. get urself one
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Apr 2, 2024

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Pretty much this is a fundraiser so i can indulge in the pleasure of liquoring up a couple of my buddies while doing Ciroc boyz. But these are drawn cool way and have cool custom tag with decorative stitching and i’m still throwing experimental bonus hats in with purchase for i don’t know how long probably just a couple more. but seriously trust me u don’t want to be on the receiving end of this, imagine.. first sight, oh boy oh boy.. stressed, what the hell is going up? unanticipated responsibility, surely something bad will happen if allowed this individual enters their zone, and having partially read the shirt now stand morally complicit in abetting some nonspecific arbitrary dogmatic threat of the uncertain and for every second curiosity abstains.. crash, a second wave, preemptive failure,they were already in their zone, its Pennsylvania, your at least 40 miles away from the nearest state border, and before you stands the self declared inhabitor of their zone, probably visibly malnourished morbidly strapped for wit, unabashedly picking their nose, however the least unsouled, as if to sense they possessed the power to end worlds, or drop 40 on your head playing rec ball, scoring at will, and most unsettling, epochal detriment to the neurological systems, by hands, his hand in hand, beheld by fate, commands the pinch, so unnerved, your visceral recoil, renews your bid to die, by service of dysmorphic gamer hands, hanging lankily by each side of the deliriously elated chap wearing the much cooler and swag shirt that has initiated the 10 second countdown of perhaps the first fashion induced heart attack we may now potentially need to hire a lawyer about.
Jan 27, 2024
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[for yourself not for sale, unless u want to] my entry level deadhead status is showing but I absolutely LOVE just coming up with my own design for a band / artist Im a fan of. I use a heat press on some thrifted shirts and go to TOWN. Sorry but there’s a very limited selection of cool Liz Phair shirts for cheap so why not just make my own sick ass design. Pictured below are just a few. Bonus fun points for minor cropping
Sep 20, 2024

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