The piano opening to Court and Spark by Joni Mitchell changed my life. It’s the first time I remember experiencing sound and the first memory I have of my childhood. I was 2 years old and sitting in a car seat in my mom’s Volkswagen Passat.
Every time somebody tells me about a usernameable platform I jet to it ASAP to try and get the madden handle. Difficult to contend with the NFL but I’ve had some big scores.
if you hate your roommate why not decide to think of your bedroom as a nice little place to improve like your own little oasis rather than lament the discomfort you feel in your own home? if anyone has tips let me know because I’m really in a theory rather than practice stage.
Before I get fired from my office job for being a communist agitator, I want to champion how easy and fun it can be to be an office drone. it’s comforting to know there’s always someone above you. Checking emails. Stealing paper clips.