A list of movies that I thought were childhood fever dreams for way longer than a reasonable amount of time. In order of rewatchability:
Fantasia (1940) - one of the more stunning and gripping animations you can view as a child. Frolicking and making wine with centaurs? Walking brooms? Ghostly spirits riding on skeleton horses? A devil casting demons into a pit of dancing fire? Not so much these days.
The Dark Crystal (1982) - Jim Henson went off on this one. Elf characters. Bird creatures in a cave. I might need to rewatch, it's so cool. Dream.
Labyrinth (1986) - David Bowie, M.C Escher stairs, trolls. Dream.
Bed Knobs and Broomsticks (1971) - beds are flying and empty armor is moving. That's a dream.
Nothing But Trouble (1991) - They really swung for the fences with this one. Dan Akroyd eats a hotdog disgustingly, has a dick-shaped nose and is the father of giant pig children that live in an old mansion with secret passage ways and a junk yard maze. Nightmare.
The Brave Little Toaster (1987) - animated kitchen appliances. You can't fool me, that's a dream.
The Journey of Natty Gan (1985) - this is more of a vague memory of a movie than a dream, but I couldn't remember the name or find it forever.
Little Monsters (1989) - secret world of dudetacular monsters under your bed. Dream.
The Blue Bird (1940) - trippy sequences, fairies, depiction of children lounging among greek columns waiting to be born. That's a dream.