toss cubed eggplant with olive oil, s+p, cumin, coriander, and paprika; roast in the oven until browned; dump the whole sheet pan into your fav shakshuka recipe just before adding eggs.
Apr 3, 2024

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There are a lot of recipes out there(linked a basic one) but I think you can pick what works for you flavor wise. I always go spicier and then Iโ€™ll fry my bread in olive oil. itโ€™s fun and good for literally any meal of the day! Make sure you salt and pepper the eggs after you cracker them into the sauce. Try using cherry tomatoes! Try adding in zucchini! Try some goat cheese! Get silly with it
Apr 21, 2024
my go-to quick and easy dinner! throw some sliced onions and peppers in a deep pan, get them nice and browned, add garlic, smoked paprika and cumin, plus a can of whole peeled tomatoes (crushed between your fingers). Let that simmer for while, then dig out some holes and crack eggs into them. cover until eggs are set, then top with cilantro, parsley, whatever you want. takes half an hour tops and looks impressive
Feb 7, 2024
I'm not new to shakshuka, but only recently I realised how easy yet elevated it is as a quick dish. I use canned tomatoes so there's minimal food chopping involved except for a bell pepper and garlic clove. First I fry some gochujang in the pan, then I add the garlic, peppers and some spices before pouring the tomatoes into the pan. Let is simmer and thicken, then make small wells in the sauce to plop the eggs into. Let the eggs cook, and voila! An actual meal that's healthy and hearty. Love it!
Jan 23, 2025

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