I love doing this, it’s wonderfully disorienting. Theres still so much day left afterwards it’s basically a whole new day, like an optical illusion, but of time.
i get why people only think of movies as a social event, but seeing a movie in a theater alone is the most freeing and therapeutic thing that i do in my day to day life.
gone are the moments of trying to pick something that you think a group of people would like. gone is the anxiety of always thinking about what your friend is thinking of the movie as it’s going on. it’s just you and the movie. i love it
this is carroll gardens, bk in April 1930. i found this at an antique store last week in the neighborhood and felt so lucky. it’s hanging by my front door now and i circled my window.
go during moose birthing season (May) because they are everywhere and you can work on your ninja skills of always being aware of your surroundings. The sun does crazy things here.
everyone has a good story of how they’ve ended up here (or why they’ve stayed here for generations).
good camping. Good hikes. Lots of birds.
Same maddening anonymity as New York City but with huge mountains.