A game to play with a partner or friend. You just go on Zillow and filter down to all of the multi-million dollar mansions in the area. Then you just scroll through the pictures and make fun of how gaudy and tasteless the decor is. A game for the people!
i love my $70 martini + fries night as much as the next bitch, but i wanna play game with friends...so i host activities with www.reccenter.online and want you to come try to beat me at pool / paintball / soccer / poker / debate / et. al
I fell into an obsession this year. The second you start learning the annoying 2-letter scrabble words “JO” “ZA” “QI” “KI” “XI” your girlfriend will stop playing with you. Now I watch Scrabble Competition Highlight reels and play strangers online. My username is jackcorbett48 someone challenge me.
We're long overdue in thrusting "What do you do?" into the sea forever. It's time we collectively get down to what people are interested in instead of minimizing their vibrant existence by asking how they make money.