so i put some mayo on the bread with garlic (i have a big minced garlic in olive oil jar), put a slice of american cheese, spread some cream cheese on it and then some ham
grill it and enjoy!
sometimes all you need is half a
gilled chee
one slice of bread, two slices of american cheese, one placed in the corner to maximize surface area, the other ripped to fit into the empty margins and the rest of the sheet is used as a glue inbetween the seams so that hopefully when it melts, it prevents all of the small bits of cheese from sliding off onto the hot pan.
fold yr single slice of bread in half and you have half of a grilled cheese that feels like a whole one… sort of
even if shit continues to hit the fan, pretty much everyone ends up exactly where they’re supposed to be. you will find a place to live, a job, a lover, friends, etc. just keep going and it will be ok.