I have two philosophy degrees so I guess this isnā€™t that niche for that area. But I have a Plato tattoo. Platoā€™s Symposium (the Rowe translation) is my favourite of his works, closely followed by the Phaedrus. Heā€™s so silly and weird and gay and i like that. My masters thesis was a metaphilosophical look at why Plato and Simone de Beauvoir wrote fiction - which was pretty stupid tbh because it meant my research material was like a million books and I cannot read a million books. We may blame Plato for the evil that is Western Analytic philosophy, but thatā€™s so funny to me when he was essentially writing little plays about his teacher and friends. If youā€™ve only attempted The Republic and were like what the fuck, I donā€™t blame you. Most of his dialogues are really short, that one was just him trying to write a treaties or whatever, bless.
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Apr 5, 2024

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I love the cave allegory ngl Plato:Ā Plato proposed that the only true knowledge involves rational thought, which is ultimately sublimated into intuitive and mystical knowledge of the good. According to Plato, at the end of this journey lies an enlightenment experience, where the soul grasps the metaphysical source of the universe all at once, dispelling all ignorance and attaining immortal wisdom. Since the soul is immortal and has been born many times over before its present life, it has already seen many things, both in this world and in the worlds beyond this one. On the other hand, Plato posited that not everyone is capable of mounting this ladder of knowledge to mystical transcendence. They have appetites that make them more fit to be workers and slaves, while those who are dominated by honor and courage are more fit to be soldiers and police.
May 19, 2024
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i know philosophy is always seen as pretentious and boring, and some of it is, but we are SO privileged to have access to a written history dating back millennia of the pursuit of understanding humanity. the fact that we have wanted to understand what it means to be human so badly that we have been writing about our theories since the moment we created written language is a philosophy in and of itself. find what studies of thought you relate to the most! marxism, nihilism, absurdism, existentialism, feminism, whatever! find the beauty in thought! philosophy does not always have to be 800 page books of some old dead white guys dense musings. plenty of novels cover philosophical issues, like piranesi by suzanna clark. reading philosophy, in my experience, helps expand your empathy and understanding of the human condition while helping you discover yourself as well. read with purpose! it's a magical thing. please share your favorite philosophical texts you've read with me :) i'm always looking for new ones <3
Jan 8, 2025
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more 6th period philosophy for all you hungry little hippos pain pleasure and peace- it truly is tripartite. ( like your soul ) so letā€™s talk about it!! iā€™m gonna make a little drawing for you so rationale is simple, rationality, out ability to reason- to think- to argue! temos- our emotions tyrannos - our desires so, if amalia was a perfect artist and had such a beautiful sense of proportion then perhaps such a thing would be evident- their sizes in our soul are as such 1) desire 2) emotion 3) reason our desires consume us they corrupt us they allow us to stray from virtue, from just, from eudamonia but i think thatā€™s fucking bullshit you should eat, fuck, sleep, not to satisfy some devil on your shoulder but to fucking liiiive. the process of doing what you reap pleasure from should not be condemned, we should not delay our own gratification for the sake of flipping a fedora and raising our pinkies on the basis that we can. live, do what you want!! kiss!! donā€™t do that assignment!! move off the grid!! block that man!! tell your mother you love her!! cry for no reason! donā€™t be rational! let your emotions take you! do not condemn your spirt, your humanity, on the basis plato says youā€™re wrong. you are not wrong. you are beautiful, alive, you are cognizant, and you are free. do not oppress yourself further.
4d ago

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is gig etiquette dead? Donā€™t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub itā€™s what theyā€™re for!
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