I’m awful at doing things I’m not immediately good at. But doing the full band tour for my record is forcing me to learn how to play guitar while reciting spoken word poetry. It’s so hard, and I never would have stuck at it if I didn’t basically have to. But it feels SO rewarding now I’ve nearly got it, and it’s gonna be such a great brag once I’ve got it nailed. Challenge yourself! Become good at things you are bad at! I think my next challenge will be chess, because how the fuck do people even do that?
Apr 6, 2024

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Talking about chess but really you can do this with anything. Nice and humbling.You can also get good at it again if its important to you
Apr 13, 2024
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Recently I started rock climbing. I was extremely trepidatious at the start. The only experience I had with climbing of any kind were those portable and ticket-able rock walls that would pop up on the boardwalks of NJ in the height of the summer tourist rush. The first couple of visits, I could barely get on the wall. My toes would slip, my fingers would release. Even when I was able to hold myself up, I was terrified of falling, of equipment failing me, of making a fool of myself in a crowded gym full of people who looked like they had been born doing this. I’m still very new, I’m still learning. But every time I walk into the building, my silly little shoes in chalky hand, I decide that I’m going to do something hard. Because I can do hard things, and so can you. I can make it to the top of the wall now. Not every time, and certainly not on every course. But sometime soon I will. Because I keep trying something hard.
Not on some hustle self improvement shit, but trying on an attitude of more engagement with the world instead of fear and avoidance. Recently being saying yes to things that I used to put off like playing pickup basketball (ball is life), lifting (lol hell yeah bro), socializing with people outside my usual and things I was too nervous about like public speaking and taking up space. And surprise surprise, getting over it and doing those challenging things is never as bad as I thought it was going to be. My brain is firing in ways that make me feel less melancholy and more alive. My dreams are more vivid, I feel more present and self determined and life feels a little richer. Just do it ✔️
Jun 16, 2024

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is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
Dec 8, 2024