lived in dublin for 4 months in 2022!!
-get pastries at bread 41
-books upstairs and hodges figgis for bookshops (get the toastie in the cafe inside books upstairs)
-if you like irish lit, the museum of literature is well-curated; james joyce museum in dun laoghaire is in the martello tower from the beginning of ulysses (run by the sweetest elderly volunteers and has a gorgeous view up top)
-phoenix park is huge and gorgeous!!
-grogan’s is a great/classic pub
-workman’s and fibber magee’s usually have a gig on, good for a dance or two
-a 2am slice of difontaine’s pizza after a workman’s night out… heaven!
if you want to get out of dublin, 20ish minutes on the DART to howth (gorgeous cliff walk/hike, fish & chips) or dun laoghaire (for a swim at forty foot) is a great change of pace!!