Although I have been trying to be better at watching new stuff, I just love going back to the Goldens.. my all time faves. Things I could watch over and over and never get tired of. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar comes to mind. It just makes me so so so happy each time. Same with How To Train Your Dragon but it makes me happy in a different way and also deeply emotional.
happy memories of watching these movies with my family, including the new one this year which was AMAZING🫶 it is always beautiful to think about how some things stay with us our whole lives, like our love of certain movies, songs, foods…
i have a nice spot on campus under an arched outdoor hallway where i eat my food truck meals in between classes. its lovely in sunny weather but also a nice shelter in the rain or snow. i also enjoy the seclusion it provides, since i do not like to be seen eating by strangers. basically it's a choice and a necessary precaution.
Love how my roommates/bffs and I now sort of have a secret language, a specific lingo if you will. I read an article about how small groups/communities start to unknowingly build their own specific “societies”/cultures through just being together so often. I love how that just happens naturally; connection is what we are all here/made for! I also like seeing others’ friendship ecosystems it is so cute and cool!!