Along with keeping a water carafe next to your bed and linen spray, making your bed every morning is one of the most effective and underestimated things for maintaining good sleep hygiene, which is so important! I will never understand people who don't make their bed because it's just going to become unmade again (it took years of patient positive reinforcement training to get my boyfriend to stop being like this.) Making your bed as soon as you get up is not only empowering and gets your day off to a productive start— look, you've only been awake for five minutes and you've already accomplished something! — but evening you will be grateful to morning you for allowing you the luxurious experience of slipping into a properly made bed every night.
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Apr 6, 2024

Comments (6)

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I totally agree!! I’ve been making my bed everyday since I was a kid :3 really just clears your mental space
Apr 10, 2024
what is linen spray
Apr 7, 2024
heydiego Treat yourself! https://www.pi.fyi/rec/cluokq5kc00j4148ttel8hjba
Apr 7, 2024
I’ve made my bed every day for the past four months which is… huge for me as a messy person who is historically lacking in discipline. tbh major life improving habit. one of my first recs on here bc how nice it has been. Reiterating what jonnodotcom said: it’s a small daily accomplishment and an act of love for your future self!
Apr 7, 2024
My partner will make my bed for me after I go to work, when I get to bed later I get a bit misty. 🥹 but tell me more about Linen spray???
Apr 7, 2024
kellay https://www.pi.fyi/rec/cluokq5kc00j4148ttel8hjba (speaking of misty!)
Apr 7, 2024

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This is what makes life worth living. I've recently been on my bed-making grind, and it's changed me. Take care of your bed.
Jan 24, 2025
There is truth to the positive side effects of a made bed every morning...
Dec 15, 2023
this is one of this annoying things that actually makes a difference and makes your mom say I told you so. there's something about a made bed that makes me feel like my life is just that little bit more together and getting into a made bed at night is one of my top 10 favorite mundane experiences.
Feb 3, 2025

Top Recs from @jonnodotcom

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Even though Peep Show always winds up on lists of the best TV comedies of all time it's still strangely underappreciated and not nearly as well known on this side of the Atlantic as it should be. David Mitchell and Robert Webb are comedic geniuses and raise cringe to a legitimate art form. Plus it's created and co-written by Jesse Armstrong, who later went on to make Succession, so it's better than anything else for filling any Succession-shaped holes in your life even though it's a completely different kind of show.
Apr 5, 2024
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Rich people’s bedrooms always smell really nice (ask me how I know this) as do expensive hotels - and your bedroom can smell great too! Find a small empty spray bottle and fill it up with half witch hazel (everyone should have witch hazel in their bathroom cabinet; stay tuned for another rec on this) and half filtered or bottled water (Evian or Fuji if you’re really feeling it.) Add your choice of essential oil(s) – start with about 20 drops per every cup of liquid and increase from there if needed. I like a blend of mostly lavender oil with a couple of drops of peppermint oil to open nasal passages and vetiver oil for grounding. Shake well and keep the bottle on your nightstand. Make a ritual of spraying it a few times over your pillow and sheets right before you climb in bed every night and I guarantee you will fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply, and have dreams in which you live in a gorgeous apartment in Paris.
Apr 6, 2024
I am literally sitting here in my courtyard (o.k., side porch) in New Orleans drinking my morning glass of iced cold brew made with chicory coffee — Community brand, as it happens, but I often buy CDM too. Can confirm that it is 100% smoother and more delicious than regular iced coffee. Oddly I can't drink chicory coffee hot; it tastes off to me and upsets my stomach (sorry tmi). But iced, it's perfect. Take booknotesblog's advice and run get you some. (New Orleans-made Cool Brew chicory coffee concentrate is also good — a lot more expensive than homemade concentrate, but worth splurging on if you're lazy and/or can't be bothered to make it yourself.)
coffee with chicory is the tastiest and perhaps least well known nola beverage tradition. it dates back to when louisiana was still a french colony. coffee was expensive, so people would cut their coffee ground with the cheaper chicory. it tastes smooth and sweetish but not sugary. blue bottle and cafe du monde both sell their own stupid expensive coffee with chicory blends, but cdm coffee is $3 a brick, totally delicious, and straight from nola. it’s also the house roast of the company that roasts coffee for cafe du monde (the name cdm is a wink to that). i cold brew my cdm in a toddy overnight and wake up to very strong, very smooth coffee that lasts my bf and me for a week and a half—all for $3!
Apr 7, 2024
Apr 7, 2024