Is it natures way of taking our garbage and giving back little treasures? An optimistic perspective.
I love the way they sound when they tumble together in your palm.
just saw some people has been turning sea glass into jewelry or art, and I think it’s a beautiful way to see the world. I live by the beach so anytime I walk pass I detour a bit to look for and collect 5 or so beautiful pieces. I love watching them when It’s sunny and i can see the tinted reflection in its shadow
been doing that for over a year now, i have a giant bag full of them, I’m surprised it hasn’t broken yet lol it’s heavy af
I am like a woodchuck, just chomping through these things. Can’t recommend enough. A real mood lifter for anyone who loves to chew stuff relentlessly, and/or wonder what bark, dirt, and spit mixed together tastes like (great).