I enjoy the grocery store alone I really just love the grocery store. I also fantasize about collaborative selections while I stand on the front end of the cart and someone pushes me around a little. We would smell all the laundry detergents before picking one and they would tell me I donā€™t need two ice cream flavors and they would help me choose just one. They would help me finish it so that next time we go to the store we could maybe try the other one
Apr 8, 2024

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Expectations are so intangible, and judgement so abundant, that itā€™s almost become easier to say ā€œI am notā€ than ā€œI amā€. Positivity has become a sign of vulnerability in many ways in todayā€™s internet zeitgeist, itā€˜s rarity being clearly identified by the creation of this app. The negativity that has spread rampant throughout our internet has seemingly proven to many that if they are not part of the rejection, they will be the rejected! An equally sad and scary thought! This app is so miraculous to me in many ways. The positivity makes it whole. A lot of us probably feel pretty defensive of this quality due to some of the same principles of community that influence the phenomenons Iā€™ve mentioned above.Ā  Anyone can come here and post words and phrases and photos and links and to the vast majority of us the purpose is clear. All the while, it is in the nature of people, good or great ones even, to expel negativity which festers inside :( ! This will happen, but my fellow PI.FYI-ers, what we pay attention to grows! Some good, or great people even, have a hard time identifying these tendencies which do contribute to the spread of negativity into foundationally positive spaces, and their impact in the grand scheme. As a community of lovers of things, I think itā€™s healthy and only right to continue to kindly remind each other why we have all found ourselves drawn to this platform. Letā€™s only say fuck off to the evil ones, letā€™s banish them to Elon Muskā€™s X, and letā€™s welcome all the rest to the brilliance of recommending good stuff to good strangers online. I hope to do this for a while :)Ā Ā 
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