just got off another google meets call, feels great. feels good you guys liked me enough to want to hang out with me for a sec, maybe even you liked me enough to want to pay me 2 dozen dollars every hour just to be in my presence. feels like i made some new friends and expressed myself in a healthy way.
Apr 8, 2024

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i like doing this sometimes because instead of being a chore it's an artistic activity. silly but it allows me to take a step away from the fear that i am unclean in essence, because i'm no longer playing myself so there's nothing to prove or avoid. also: telling myself i only have to put away 10 items or clean for 5 minutes (instead of telling myself to clean the entire apartment) makes it much easier to convince myself to start, and i usually end up getting much more done once i'm in the zone.
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makes me feel carefree and exciting. i have also found that it makes staring at people who pass me by much easier. maybe because i am giving them a little show and something to look at so it feels less intrusive and one-sided. side note: recently found out that CUTIES® has two varieties of oranges. there are clementines that they sell from november to february and murcotts from february to april. murcotts are a darker orange, smaller, and more tart and flavorful. so much better imho.
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