Stumbled upon him doing a show in Brooklyn last year and I have been thoroughly obsessed ever since. Think LCD Soundsystem meets John Grant meets Confidence Man meets Kendall Roy. My top 3 are: You Push, I'll Go, Breezy, Raid! but every single song is a massive bop
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Apr 8, 2024

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Been enjoying this guy's music a lot recently. His song Seasons recently blew up on TikTok and kinda gave him his big break. I had the honor of meeting him when I helped my friends produce a show for him and got to photograph him at said show (see pic below). He walked in and was so sweet to everyone helping out. It was so refreshing seeing someone so authentic in the music scene, given that his opener was lowk a douchebag... that's a story for later. ANYWAYS really recommend listening to his songs if you're into Imogen Heap, Blood Orange, or kinda electronic sound. Some of my favs are Seasons, Pretend Friend, and Say what you mean.
Jan 15, 2025
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as the years go by i realized how much this dude has inspired me. somehow his songs captures the essence of night time, syrupy mysterious nocturnal grooves. itā€™s hard to recommend a proper entry point into his catalogue too, because thereā€™s so much and to me itā€™s all good. though i always fall back on his solo records ā€œbete noirā€ & ā€œboys & girls.ā€ it has the super hit ā€œslave to loveā€ obviously - but the other tracks are just as juicy - ā€œwindsweptā€œ is a personal fav. each song features a different heavy hitter guitarist from the era too - which is why iā€™m so obsessed with it. heā€™s like a sweaty laid back lounge singer serenading you at 3AM, meanwhile these guitarists are just shredding behind him. last saturday, i played a show and to get myself in the zone, i popped on ā€œboys & girlsā€ on the drive over. when i finished my set, a friend asked about the drum machine in one song and i said i took a cue from ferry and he recommended his 2010 record ā€œolympiaā€ which i somehow had never heard and now iā€™m currently obsessed with it. when i was packing up my gear the dj just put on another track of his. the next day at work, to sustain my post-show high i put on roxy music, and a customer i usually never talk to wound up sticking around telling me how much they love him. anyways i love that heā€˜s kind of my spirit guide following me around at the moment and highly recommend doing a deep dive into his world if you havenā€™t done so alreadyā€¦
Mar 9, 2024
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iā€™ve been a fan of briston for a little over 5 years now, and iā€™ve gotta say itā€™s been one of the best things to ever happen to me. i love his music, of course, but through his shows i have met some of my best friends and made some of my favorite memories. it actually hurts my brain to think about what my life would be like if i hadnā€™t gone to see him at the beast in 2022 - that show catapulted me into this need to go to more and more nashville indie shows. i could go on about it all for much longer, but i will spare you. it has been such a wild ride, and i can only hope that other people have similar stories with him (or other artists! please share if you do!). anywho, these are my top 3 tracks: 1. foolā€™s gold 2. the garden 3. iā€™ve been waiting and this is a pic i took of him at iron city earlier this year
Oct 2, 2024

Top Recs from @caskeyc

1. Don't set an alarm and wake up naturally. Snooze for however long you want to, it's okay 2. Have breakfast. For me it's toast. Have it with butter/jam/honey and a lot of water and coffee and juice. 3. Listen to an album in full and do some puzzles until it ends. I like to stick a record on and do the nyt games (connections, then wordle, then the mini, then I'm ready for a crossword) 4. Shower and use all your best stuff. Smell great. Make your hair feel soft. 5. Wear an outfit you don't get to wear that often. I tend to wear the same thing over and over at work so I wear something a bit more fun and less practical. 6. Go outside. I live near a road with secondhand shops that are great browsing but quite tempting on a budget. To beat the temptation just look in the windows and then walk round the streets or to a green space if it's a nice day. Walk as fast or as slow as you like. Try and spot cats that might let you stroke them. See how each place you go smells different. Walk down streets that you've not been down before just because. 7. Come home and decide how much energy you have. If you have energy do an activity (I would write, play an instrument, do some art, read, play a game) if you don't then watch something from your watchlist. Saturdays feel like a good day to watch something new. 8. Cook yourself a meal. Start before you're hungry and spend ages on it. Use every pot. Listen to music. Sing whilst you wash the dishes. 9. Play! Video games, board games, internet games, card games, phone games, rearrange your plushies, embrace your inner child. Play with ideas, experiment with felt tip pens, write a limerick. Get silly with it. 10. Talk to your friends. Invite them over, call somebody up, text that person back you didn't have time to. I like to spend a good day off by myself then have a great time talking to people after I've recharged. 11. Have so much fun getting to do whatever you want you fall asleep at whatever time. Monday - Friday is about appeasing your body clock, Saturdays are for filthy pleasures like falling asleep at 3am because you were too busy flirting or reading or watching videos.
Apr 16, 2024