As Iā€™m looking for a new job, Iā€™m reminded why I wanted to leave my current job. I walked into work today and smelt the most horrid scent ā€¦ dead rats! The exterminator said he found 6 rats and those left behind sooo many flies. It was so gross. My coworkers and I all held a fly killing contest, nasty way of making the best of the situation. Aside from today, I guess I donā€™t mind my job as much as I used to. I work in communication at the moment, but Iā€™m looking to switch fields. I mostly post on the organizationā€™s social media, update the website, file simple paperwork, and make sales for the storefront. I donā€™t feel the most satisfied from this job, but itā€™s okay for now. They are trying to help out in the community, which was a big reason for me working there, but theyā€™re just underfunded. :( My current job does give me the opportunity to look through some old donations from the community. Today, I found some old yearbooks (pictured below).
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Apr 10, 2024

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Apr 18, 2024
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