Not much to say without spoiling it but damn this movie was good. Jack Nicholson is charismatic as ever and this performance is up there with The Shining for me personally. Great writing, and the cinematography is beautiful.
Everyone talks about The Godfather and Apocalypse Now, and rightfully so, but The Conversation is masterful. Maybe my favorite Gene Hackman performance. He’s often such a BIG character but his restraint here offers so much quiet vulnerability. Also, the score by David Shire is fantastic.
Eyes Wide Shut // Stanley Kubrick
Apocalypse Now // Francis Ford Coppola
Cries & Whispers // Ingmar Bergman
Chinatown // Roman Polanski
Learn From Masters ..
super insightful interview between two new york legends. love the part where scorsese bashes taxi driver critics who tried to dissect his film when it was really just about new york city man.
I’m prepared for just about every situation imaginable at all times. SPF? sunglasses? chapstick? extra layer? water? hat? cologne? 4 different colored lighters? expired gift cards??? You name it and I have it, and you’re welcome.