It is so rare for angler fish to find one another in the deep abyss , but when a male finds a female, the male attaches himself to her. Slowly … he morphs into her .. losing his eyes .. his mouth .. and everything else that resembles being a fish. He fuses into her until there’s nothing of him left . There is something horrifying but also romantic about it .

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it’s like all the human tendency to pour love & care into our physical spaces was condensed into this 1 tiny little box,,, a space which happens 2 be entirely non-human…….. these fish r living in an underwater paradise where all their needs r met,, and i am sitting in an uncomfortable chair under bright lights listening to some mother read a story to her son, specifically banning him from looking @ the pictures (baffling), & some old ladies gossip ruthlessly about their neighbour while watching the gameshow on the tv that overlooks the whole scene. i wonder whether the fish like it here
Feb 9, 2024

Top Recs from @ariana-papademetropoulos

The direct flights from Paris to Los Angeles cost 300 and the plane is empty, so much so you can book the day of. It allows me travel impulsively to Paris at a low cost / low risk. You get a whole row to yourself so it’s basically first class. I am telling you this secret as I have a feeling it won’t last so please , fly with French bee before it’s too late .
This is a great idea when you don’t have the mental capacity to pick and outfit but you want to look put together . Just put on an expensive coat and you’re good to go . I love having my hair blow dried , nice earrings and an expensive coat and having people think I’m sophisticated.  It’s exciting to know you could flash and commit a crime at any moment . Every time I do it I swear , people treat me different , ask me out on dates , smile at me , give me things for free. Just don’t do it at the airport as I did in once before as - they will ask you to take your coat off .
One of my favorite recent discoveries , the psychic photographer Ted serios . He would concentrate on a memory and imprint his memories onto polaroid film ( as it was instant and no alteration could be make later in lab ) and no one has been able to prove that his photographs are not in fact real . The imperfections such as words on signs being spelled wrong , is what makes it impossible to prove they aren’t real . They are photos of memories , blurry and inaccurate , as a memory would be. Ted was famous in the 1970’s and would perform his psychic photography on live television , but had to get absolutely hammered to be in the right mental state to do so . And he is Greek so , I like him even more.