i think I’m late to the party but making my own styles in word has been THRILLING!!! Want all titles to have a lil flair?? Want every paragraph to automatically indent, and not have to manually format every section break? Want an autogenerated table of contents at the end of your writing?? Styles!!!! It’s all in the style pane!!!! Feeling very coder meets social scientist 🤓
Apr 11, 2024

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Think: driving them to the airport during rush hour, moving furniture on a summer day, (in my case, see photo) cutting away at their badly overgrown garden when you are not a gardening gal. Or painting their bedroom on a whim, replacing their windshield fluid, or wrangling their demon cat for a trip to the vet. I read a Manrepeller article (RIP) years ago that talked about how helping friends with these tedious, unrewarding tasks is where the real work of friendship begins. You don’t get so see how they get frustrated over brunch, but you do when you’re both unsuccessfully dragging a couch around a staircase corner, and getting To bond and troubleshoot that frustration opens whole new doors for closeness. This wisdom has never led me astray! I almost always leave these kinds of labor-based hangouts feeling closer and more held in friendship!
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There is no “wrong” time to enjoy bangin’ pasta🤷🏽‍♀️
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