Spring always brings it out of me. The buds on the trees! The breezy warmth! The tulips appearing where there was once only a small patch of dirt for dogs to piss on! Everything is incredible and awesome and absurd and I’m always so grateful for the moments I can get past my own relatively small problems to stand in awe of the world :,)
Apr 12, 2024

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even though it’s still February, I can already feel spring trying to break through the layers of cold the sun is starting rise a little earlier, and mornings don’t feel as harsh. I can hear birds other than crows now—small signs that something is changing in the afternoon, sunlight floods the classroom, and outside, kids are playing again. they shriek in excitement while playing tag or hide&seek at night, the clear skies give a great view of the stars above us, reminding me how everything may seem fragile and ever changing, but paradoxically, impermanence ensures the unique charm of the moment so I wait—patiently—for the warmth, for the bloom, for the moment when winter finally loosens its grip, and the world can take a deep breath once again
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I have lots and generally stopped overthinking them after my first one. In theory, permanently marking your body is seen as an eternal commitment that carries a ton of weight, but I’ve really benefitted from flipping that on its head and using tattoos as a practice to remind myself of the impermanence of life and of my body (we’re all going to die :)). Now I give them to myself with needles from amazon, I let friends tattoo me, I get them on a whim when I’m traveling. I think a lot of people are scared of carrying physical markers of all the different people they’ve been (myself included), but I think doing so is actually a great practice in self acceptance—carrying all those versions of you, on you, all the time, baring them for others to see. The ones I got 4 years ago that I wouldnt get today don’t bother me even though I no longer resonate with them; they’re a personal history of sorts. And because of the whole death thing, all tattoos are temporary :)
Mar 25, 2024
Probably the most important tactile skill I possess! Being able to mend your own clothes, tailor them to get the perfect fit, and even design/make your own clothes is so rewarding, not to mention hella sustainable. The entire thrift store is my size bc I have a sewing machine and I can take things in or out as needed. Linking a solid podcast ep that talks about sewing from a historical and philosophical context too hehe everyone should know how to sew
Apr 3, 2024