first of all these traits arenโt immutable I used to score much higher in neuroticism and lower in extraversion. Probably lower in agreeableness my misanthropy has softened with time and effort.
Openness describes how open you are to new experiences and ways of thinking and your capacity and willingness to engage in abstract thought. Conscientiousness is thoughtfulness, impulse control, goal-oriented behavior, and ability to work within structure; this is a highly valued trait in leadership. Extraversion is obviously how much you put yourself out there in the world and enjoy the company of other people. Agreeableness is pretty much a measure of how well you function within society and show emotional connection to and consideration for others, exhibiting prosocial behavior. And neuroticism is an overall tendency towards negative emotions like anxiety, fear, depression, or paranoia.
So I think the results you get from this test can be a great steppingstone for evaluating the way you orient yourself in the world, your motivations, the internal processes you make decisions from, and also things you could work on changing or expanding