Started this with some friends as a college radio show and now I’m just trying to talk to as many niche celebs as possible. We’ve got episodes with Chanel Beads, Hotline TNT, Podcast About List, Jack Wagner, and a bunch others. Go peep!
Apr 15, 2024

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For the past six months, I've been investing the majority of my free time outside of my 9-5 job into deep conversation and research into what created the online spaces we currently exist in. Although social media is more popular than ever, internet fame has taken on a whole new meaning. There were once widely recognized names in the online world. Due to how saturated the internet has become, this is a rarity. Becoming internet famous in 2024 looks wildly different than it did in 2014, an era where people posted solely with passion and genuine motivations, prior to YouTube monetization and overall over-consumerism, where getting big was hardly an active thought. I started a podcast with my best friend, building from the ground up, where we explore these topics from the perspective of two early 20's girls who were raised online. And we're also trying to get Josh Ovalle on as a guest. We've chatted with Summer McKeen, Nicole Rafiee, Current Joys, Lowertown, Lauren Brodauf, Seth from Greer, William Craver, TAGABOW, Marcus Maddox, Josh Jackson, lotsofhands, Uncarley, @, and have interviews upcoming with Hotline TNT, Horse Jumper of Love, Sugar Pine 7, Tina Hand, and more.
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