genuinely don't know if this is odd or not, but this has been something i've done for the longest time. i have a hard time falling asleep and sometimes white noise just makes the brain static a lot worse. but! i also don't want to turn on my ipad and watch a movie because it's the end of the day and my eyeballs hurt.
my solution is to turn on a familiar movie, one i love or that brings me comfort and play that as an mp3 and just listen to it. my go to is usually you've got mail as i watched it a lot with my parents and even fell asleep to it, so it weirdly brings me a sense of ease.
it also reminds of falling asleep on the couch while watching hbo late at night and my parents coming down to get me to go up to sleep in my own bed, or when me and my sister had a tv in our shared room, and my parents would creep in to turn it off because we both fell asleep watching late night disney shows.