Ins: platform sandals, protein-heavy salads for dinner, pigtails, soft serve, Tom collins, going to the park on a work day, embracing your friendsā€™ high-concept wedding dress codes, corn-flavored desserts, listening to the radio Out: fancy ice cream, biking in the city without a helmet, aluminum-based deodorant, booking all your summer weekends months in advance, SpotifyĀ 
Apr 16, 2024

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Ins: not giving a fuck / festivals / vodka crans / biker shorts / tennis / taking things a day at a time / walks / good music / iced coffee / spontaneous trips to the beach / flirting / good reads / linen pants / little treats / coffee shops / yoga out: exes/ negativity / hard seltzer / staying at home moping / making excuses / Starbucks / rum / waiting around for people who aren't prioritizing you / skirts
Apr 18, 2024
IN: sweet tea, freckles from the sun, natural curls, platform flip flops, green tea shots, concert tees, the smell of sunscreen, incredibly niche playlists, seasonal fruits, protests, art criticism, big sunglasses, psychosexual horror, ice cream, midwest americana, convening with nature, sending letters and other snail mail to family and friends OUT: overly clean celebrity branding, therapy speak, censorship, clear cut morality in media, using internet aesthetics to avoid getting a personality, queerbaiting allegations, sequels, fillers and veneers (what the kids are calling ā€œinstagram faceā€)
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IN: beach days / comfy in roller skates / camping / braids / beading / star gazing / lil naps / 5ks / barefoot shoes / audiobooks / silly goosinā€™ / OUT: fast food / binging shows / not taking up space / doing too much / reg soda / anger / skipping breaks /
Apr 17, 2024

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This NYT piece from last year explains why itā€™s actually a Good and Normal thing to do. I used to have like six in the bed at once but recently culled my crew to two practical ones: this sleeping Charmander plushie, which I hug while Iā€™m in the fetal position, and an Ugly Doll I put between my knees because itā€™s nice and flat. They're so comfy and I fall asleep in 30 seconds like this (also theyā€™re cute and I love them)
Jan 26, 2024
I canā€™t be stopped lol
May 16, 2024
in Chrome is going to settings --> privacy and security --> site settings --> JavaScript. Under "not allowed to use JavaScript" add the sites you want to access. This is the only trick I've found that works 100% of the time. Video players and widgets that use JavaScript won't work of course but if you want to read something without a pop-up telling you to turn off your adblocker followed by another pop-up saying you've reached your article limit this will do it.
Feb 15, 2024