Didion and Baez. Admittedly, I’ve unhealthily attached myself to them because of the things we have in common (Didion living in LA and Sacramento, Baez being Mexican and going to BU) which has made me even more obsessed than I would have been otherwise. But they’re so good !!!
I feel like everyone’s first introduction to Didion is her memoir The Year of Magical Thinking (me included), but after that move on to her collection of essays Slouching towards Bethlehem. There’s an essay about Joan Baez in there (🤠) and if you grew up in California the book will make you feel extra cool.
& listen to the album Baez sings Dylan, where she covers all Bob Dylan songs, obviously. Bob’s an amazing lyricist but an awful singer lol. Joan does it undeniably better. But my very favorite song of hers is “silver dagger.” So beautiful and eerie and she was only 19 when she sang it.