The internet is making my brain rot!!! Lately, I've been very mindful of my purchases and how I can minimize my consumptions as an individual. I like my wired headphones. I like the running shoes I've had for years. And I love my 2004 Honda CRV. Learning to be happy with the things I have.

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I'm still trying to practice what I preach here. Capitalism makes it pretty hard; they want to keep us buying things so instant pleasure and gratification is marketed and thrown at us everywhere, and makes us feel like to be accepted in society, we must always have the latest "thing." But I've started to realize nothing deeply good can come easy, or cheap for that matter. It feels way more satisfying to know I've purchased something of quality, something that means something to me, something that'll last, rather than a cheap fad that'll have to be replaced soon anyway. Not to mention knowing and caring WHERE your money is going (small businesses over large corporations, looking into what the company stands for.) There are so many times I've told myself I can't afford something I really want and am drawn to, when I've realized how much I've spent on stupid little cheap things that don't matter to me. For yourself, for others, for the planet, spend INTENTIONALLY. And if that means you end up owning less, good! And while you're at it, do a bit of Marie Condo-ing (but please, donate what you can for christ's sake.) You might experience a little withdraw with the lack of stuff and lack of spending, but I think overall you'll feel lighter, freer and more satisfied!
Jun 19, 2024
with so much Stuff in the world i find the whole concept of buying something brand new a little absurd when it’s so easy to find pre-loved things that are still functional or easily repurposed. every time i deviate from that belief i end up regretting it. this includes every piece of technology i own, a dress i bought last minute to go to a fancy event i was underdressed for, my blender, my electric razor (not so guilty that i bought this new, but still wish i’d splurged and gotten one that would last longer - i can just tell this one is gonna self destruct as soon as it works out how), my docs, and fabric i’ve bought new rather than thrifted. even with socks and undies i feel like i could be making them with thrifted fabric instead of buying the mass produced versions
Oct 23, 2024
imo understanding why/how I kept collecting random stuff helped me focus only on what I had; if I wanted to buy smthn but it had NO PRACTICAL USE or smthn I owned ALREADY FULFILLED THE PURPOSE itβ€˜s not getting bought πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
Oct 30, 2024

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