From the '30s and 40s for me, but really from any time. Don't get me wrong--I love dark and brooding and (self) serious biz all the time. But, what's edgier in this world than something that lets loose unbound desire, recognizes the influence of erotic impulses on our daily lives, gets SoOo unselfconsciously emo, and lets (in the case of my aforementioned classics) the greatest faces in all of cinema fill valuable time by smoldering at each other??? I'm lookin at u Kay Francis and William Powell. Just watch *One Way Passage* and you'll get it. Ugh. Love rommmm commmmmzzzzz
Apr 17, 2024

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A perfect rom com! Simple and sweet. Gets you in the feels πŸ’•πŸŒ 
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My friend and I happened upon this. Meaning, strive to live your life in a way that makes you feel hot. Dress to feel hot. Talk to feel hot. Do whatever you do, but in a way that makes you feel like you're worthy of the love and adoration and crushes and desire you deserve. This does not mean "sexy" necessarily--hotness is always shifting and has many forms. But reach deep inside and you'll find that your own personal method and mode of hotness can always, and most of the time is, an excellent guide.
Jun 8, 2024
tough but worth it
Feb 25, 2025
recommendation image
Kind of a genre of medieval paintings, but confirms to me how horny people have always been and how we've always had to sublimate our desires into the dominant culture. It's so weirdly explicit and bizarre, and has so many layers in how it would have been used: a painting to look at, a page in a prayer book to speak as a script, a physical object to touch and venerate and meditate with.... like imagine people fingering this "wound" and being like, yes this is honestly totally about jesus. Crazy.
Aug 2, 2024