how cute and strange
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Apr 18, 2024

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I love her, never got any dolls to play with when I was young, now I buy them out of my own pocket and even give them makeovers if I feel like, Love them, truly
Jan 24, 2025
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i recommend getting a doll for yourself, there are so many to choose from all with such unique personalities and looks. you will feel really bonded to it quickly which is something that fascinates me. it will feel like a miniature you. playing dressup is so fun, there are many etsy sellers who make gorgeous custom clothing and accessories for specific types of dolls so you can fulfill your fashion dreams without having to necessarily wear these things yourself!! they are fun to carry around and take pictures of, the craftsmanship is so inspiring and they are fun to pose, they can be whatever you want them to be—cute, elegant, mischievous, funny, beautiful, etc. i have two factory blythes (i want to get a real one soon) and a mini pullip (i want to get a full sized one soon) and i love them sm!!!
Feb 13, 2024

Top Recs from @colababy

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sometimes estate sales make me so emotional. this one hit me especially hard because my boyfriend and i collect magnets from all the places we travel to and keep them on our fridge. it made me think, one day strangers will be rummaging through our magnets and all of the things we’ve curated together once we’re gone. instant tears.
Apr 18, 2024
i was a makeup artist at sephora when i was like 19 and prom season was always so insane. every artist was booked and busy and we were all crammed into this tiny studio space to do everyone’s makeup. often times the girls getting their prom makeup done would be arguing with their mothers about how the makeup should be. meanwhile you have a walkie talkie of managers in your ear and music blaring like you’re in the club and shoulder to shoulder with everyone else trying to do makeup. OVER STIMULATING AFFF. anyways, during the makeup process i always asked the client if they would like to use the lash curler before i apply their mascara. and i made sure to ask if they’ve ever used one before and explain to them how to use it. this girl assured me she knew how to use one and even sassed me for daring to ask LOL. she proceeded with curling her lashes and as i’m watching her do so she just YANKS that shit straight out fully clamped and ripped out nearly all of her lashes. she then screams “I TOLD YOU I DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!!” i was like WHATTTT!!!?? like absolutely shook to my core. literally the most mind boggling moment of my life it’s still burned into my brain. she then demanded me to go get a manager and while i was away she grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped off everything i had spent an hour on :’) i cried in the bathroom after. that girl was so unreasonably rude to me i will never understand why. i think she might’ve just wanted to not pay lol. people would pull things like this often just to get their appointment for free. who knows 🤦🏻‍♀️ but on the bright side a sweet lady snuck a $100 bill in my brush belt that day just for helping her find a brow pencil. i told her we weren’t allowed to accept tips so she just stuck it in my belt and left :)
Apr 18, 2024
they’re soooo chunky i love fat letters and they’re so pigmented but don’t bleed
Apr 21, 2024