i don't think there's something more authentic about this app than there is about, say, twitter - i be talking some shit on there and it's all pretty "authentic". i'm more concerned with how i come across online because that has always been the case since, like, biblical times (see: chatrooms in 1999). my opinion on this is that most of us will never be our fully authentic selves in any form of consumable media whether that's through an app or through our art. "raw, unfiltered, authentic" means nothing to me, i fear. recommending a piece of media (music, film, tv, book, podcast) clues your audience into what you may be like: i can filter out the "bad" music i listen to, or the books i don't want anyone to know i've read and enjoyed and just recommend things that i believe the majority here would appreciate because they too have the little bug in their brain that tells them this is something to be enjoyed shamelessly while others are not. i'm not going to come on here and recommend the marvel movie - i'll recommend some obscure italian neorealism film, because that's what i think will get me more attention here. but maybe i'm alone on this.