I used to try so hard to reinvent myself and it drove me absolutely crazy trying to be something that I wasn't. Just be open to new experiences and people and push yourself out of your comfort zone a little after you leave. Both leaving the place that you've been comfortable in and gradating high school are big changes and they will already kickstart the process of finding yourself. If you're open to it, you'll absolutely find yourself even if you don't realize it in the moment. You've got this!
Apr 18, 2024

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moving here can be really hard!!! my first year or two was extremely difficult but i eventually found my footing. i recommend staying open to possibilities but also being selective—there is sooo much to choose from here that new things are often worth trying but you also dont have to waste your time on things that feel untrue to you. it's all about finding the balance ^___^ seek out what interests you and dont be afraid of taking risks!!!
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given that you’ve already started the pivot, it seems like you just need a lil pep talk. here it goes: you are exactly the right age to be taking on new challenges. sure, theres some risk involved. but time is 100% on your side, and the fastest way to self-actualize is to operate outside your comfort zone. just take this one day at a time and don’t stress about the unknowable future. its a waste of energy you could be dedicating to learning and growing here in the present. it will work out. it usually always does.
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make big scary decisions, take spontaneous trips, kiss random people, go on silly dates, get drunk in the city, do new things, close a chapter of ur life to start a new one some place new, do the things you never thought u would, shock the rhythm of ur brain and embrace the new version of yourself you become along the way. maybe it’ll all go wrong but maybe it’ll all go so so right n you won‘t know until you try so u might as well do it. perspective gained from a recently shaken life.

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its raining and the worms are out on their merry trips! they don't get out too often, let them traverse to where they may they deserve the peace
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hate your friends? feel like you picked the wrong life path? tempted to break up with your partner? breaking out? play tetris. Tetris is known to override your brain or something and therefore it's the perfect way to cope with any and all issues!
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