This specific shade of yellow-green (or green-yellow depending on who you ask). It’s so bright it might as well blind me. My mom and I used to argue all the time about whether a car was yellow or green. To her (and most people), it was yellow but to me it was always green. Chartreuse is both and neither at the same time. My mom’s favorite color was yellow and mine used to be green. After she died, Chartreuse became my favorite color. It is a little bit of both, a little of bit of her and I together. Some days, it’s the only thing that makes me feel alive.
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Apr 18, 2024

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it’s always been green, from the earliest age i could choose. i don’t know exactly why it stuck so hard but it has stuck. i’ve had different favorite shades of green over the years; 5, summer tree leaf green, 10, neon green, 14 forest green, and now i just love how much i love the color, its nostalgic to me when i see a shade that brings me back to who i used to be. only 20 years and things change so much, but my favorite color hasn’t. funny how that works yo
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I’m pretty sure i decided yellow was going to be my favorite color on a random tuesday when i was seven. I remember doing this drawing and adding yellow to it and realizing how much better it looked with yellow and how good all the colors looked next to it. But if you made me choose now i wouldn’t be able to pic i love all colors tbh.
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Top Recs from @godgirlgun

… it hurts really bad and is not a good representation of what getting tattooed feels like most of the time. Apart from the pain level, the ribs do provide a more discreet placement, which I think is ideal, especially if you’re young. I was 19 and realizing that I regretted not seeing my tattoo encouraged me to pick more visible placements afterwards. My advice would be to do what feels right for you and the design you have in mind. To me, tattoos are a form of art curating. It’s fun to reflect on the past through them. Have fun! xoxo
Apr 18, 2024
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Insert that one Marx quote… What can I say, spending money I barely have on things that make me feel alive will always be worth it to me! Been very into paintings recently & even purchased my very first one. Life changing! The artist is Janis Fridmanis :) I don’t care that I’m bad at managing money! I want to be surrounded by beauty and art and I want to live a meaningful life.
Apr 18, 2024
Try things you want to try. Make friends with people who make you feel good about life. Life is limitless and so are you. Who you were yesterday and who you’ll be tomorrow are different but they’re all you! Nothing is ever set in stone so don’t worry about finding exactly who you are right away. No one truly ever does you know! Put yourself out there and try things you want to try. It sounds like a lot of empty words but don’t be too harsh on yourself in the process, you’re not just one thing or the other and you will constantly change. I wish you all the best xoxo
Apr 18, 2024