nothing like finding a solid spot to sit and enjoy nature. if your lucky enough to liv within walking distance to a pretty park or beach please go take advantage. bring a book, sumn to smoke on, some food n couple drinks. make it a day / night. find some peace, find yourself✌️
maybe not at this time of year (bit cold) but in the spring particularly i think it is the most delightful thing you can do . doing it alone is nice too. card games, junk food, music and good chats . bonus points if you have a go-to park.. it's the best
touching grass, blades between toes, dappled shade beneath the trees, reading a book or quietly painting or people-watching or picnicking with a friend...babes, there is nothing like it
start by looking at fiction or non fiction then from there you have loads of sub categories. go to your library ask some professionals for help narrowing your search. a good book can be life changing, not necessarily in the long term but the excitement you get to read a good book every day is awesome