I feel like we've been living too long in a fast-paced world that we forget that not everything needs to happen in an instant. Sometimes, we just need to let it be, give it a moment, and if it's something that needs doing, get back into it.
going through some similar motions and this measely tiktok comment unironically did like +1000 healing to my psyche. really, the key is to remember you can only do so much at once. overexerting yourself will make you too tired to consume the fruits of your labor. they will rot and/or you will not enjoy them this way. find happiness in the little, fleeting moments you’re able to foster for yourself and bite off only what you can chew. besides, you want to make sure not to do things in haste. you want a solid foundation for future you and your contentment and don’t want to find any cracks in it later down the line…
feeling impatient is a result of resisting the present moment.
we become impatient when we are too focused on our desires/goals/plans, and escaping the present because we want to rush our timing.
patience is Acceptance + Trust ~
Patience does not mean waiting, it’s being in an active state of continuous welcoming. It’s being accepting of time/life’s rhythms & seasons. It’s being open and present, even if the present moment isn’t yielding results.
sometimes stagnancy is what we need in order to cultivate the growth process !
I would make a game where all my in-game purchases actually end up into a savings account so that I still get the dopamine of spending without actual losing my money.