Ins: spending my mornings outside, cute heels, short skirts, loads of sunscreen, fruits, fun martinis, sun bathing, tennis, more reading, more writing, baby tees, healthy hair care, fragrance free body care (scared of bugs lol), yoga outside, linen bedding, more posters, fun prints on dresses Outs: couch potato, mind rot scrolling, blank walls, not wearing any colour, not letting my skincare sink in before i go to bed,
Apr 20, 2024

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In: chipped nail polish / baths / ice cold soda cans / iced coffee / cooking / baking / reading / yoga / writing / yellow birkenstocks / pickleball / gardening / crochet / sunscreen / dresses / graphic tees / glitter / perfume / films / jewelry / wavy hair / touching grass / doing mundane things or going to ordinary places with your friends Out: long showers / jeans / natural deodorant / perfectionism / instagram / sheet masks / b&bw fine fragrance mists / heels / overconsumption / everyday makeup / being chronically online
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IN: casual hangouts with friends, lying down, gold shimmery sun screen oil, carrying 4 pairs of sunglasses around, tomatoes, playing a sport in the park, Tinariwen, sunbathing in the garden, reading in a hammock, trainers, wearing bikinis out and about, international lovers, taking annual leave OUT: takeaways, being scared of bugs, SAD lamp, caffeine, flip flops, reading emails, sending emails, addictive phone games
Apr 20, 2024

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