I could live off deli meats and bits. I love to put them all on a plate and assemble them and try and pair the food together for the perfect mouthful experience.
pic from what my grandpa saved for me when I landed in Naples last time
At Anthony and Son’s in Williamsburg
Prosciutto, arugula, ricotta, balsamic vin, and fig spread
”Digital Love” by Daft Punk plays in my head whenever I think about it
the perfect gift for a lover or a friend. get one of your person or two of the both of you!!
such a thoughtful romantic present!!!
after all the eyes are the windows to the soul 🪟🪟
both on the phone and in person.
starting a whole new conversation after doing a whole song and dance about how you should probably head to bed now.
i love enjoying the company of others! maximise the time spent with those you love <3