all time fave is the zebra ballpoint. they are small, fine tip, smooth, and i like the way they look. my grandfather always had one in his shirt pocket so they also make me think of him. honorable mentions: i do a ton of color-coding for work and use paper-mate flair felt tips for that. love them. i just bought my first fountain pen, a kaweco sport, and it’s beautiful and much less scary than i thought a fountain pen would be.
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Apr 21, 2024

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they're nifty, elegant, and fun. all the little things that make up a fountain pen are very cool-- nibs, ink cartridges and converters, clips, oh and of course, INKS! some fountain pens are for calligraphy, others for everyday use. there's beginner-friendly ones and super fanciful ones, too. i like them all. they can be cute or they can be classy, have your pick. you can be a lamy loyalist or a twsbi truther. as for me? i'm with the kaweco kind. much love to my pilot pals always. they can be an expensive hobby, so i make do with my humble, tiny collection.
Dec 11, 2024
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everyone needs to write with a fountain pen at least once in their life. it's an entirely different experience from writing with your typical rollerball or ballpoint. there's no need to press down because the ink just flows off the nib effortlessly. i have a small but steadily growing fountain pen collection myself and my favorite pen to collect is the kaweco sport. it's a beginner-friendly pocket pen that's perfect for my hand size. you can even choose what inks to put in your pen. there's an extensive ink selection to choose from. the fountain pen hobby is very personal with endless possibilities for customization and freedom of expression. if you do decide to pick one up, make sure you use fountain pen-friendly paper to get the most out of your pen and get the best writing experience possible. the rhodia pad is a good place to start.
Sep 17, 2024

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